
Third seminar of the 2021 European Turfgrass Society Webinar Series

The European Turfgrass Society is a not for profit association that include in its objectives the spread of innovative applications and encouragement of a holistic view of turf and provide since 2008 a forum for scientists, consultants, companies and practitioners to discuss technical issues related to the turf surfaces.

Despite the Coronavirus’s emergence, the European Turfgrass Society is continuing with the promotion of innovative application and giving of information. ETS organizes a series of free webinars to offer useful and targeted communication to members and all turf specialists interested. The main objective of these webinars is to explore the interest in environmental issues related to turfgrass management. Welcome to the 2021 European Turfgrass Society Webinar Series.


Third seminar

Sponsored by Turf Europe / GreenGO

13th April, 2021 – 14:00 pm (CEST time)

Precision Turfgrass Management: technical advances to improve turf aesthetics, performance and sustainability (golf, sports fields and gardens)


Description: Recent years have spawned a great deal of hardware, software and optics solutions to help professionals monitor and manage high-quality turf surfaces.

Sometimes the variety of solutions and the data supplied can be overwhelming, or at best difficult to understand and turn into effective management decisions.

In this webinar we will describe the main PTE (“Precision Turfgrass Management”) tools currently available for the groundsman/greenkeeper, and supply a basic set of interpretation rules to simplify their understanding and adoption.

Data and info needn’t be intimidating, but rather they should be the basis on which skilled turf professionals take well-informed and meaningful decisions.



  • 14:00 Introduction by ETS President (or Vice-President)
  • 14:05 Dr. Filippo Lulli “Precision Turfgrass Management: tools and simple agroclimatic interpretation rules” – 40 min.
  • 14:35 MSc. Alessio Forconi “The GreenGO ecosystem of sensors and software: Your Turfgrass Assistant” – 10 min.
  • 15:05 Panel discussion: Q&A session with the participants – 30 min –

Watch the recording of this webinar:

The ETS events are the forum par excellence for scientists, consultants, companies and practitioners to discuss technical issues related with the study of turfgrass. Hosting the 2021 European Turfgrass Society Webinar Series, it is our ambition to provide a forum to spread innovative applications for the benefit of the turfgrass industry promoting the exchange of information among turfgrass specialists from universities, official organisations and private companies.

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